IBS can almost seem alive because it knows just when to disrupt your life and it doesn't bother you when it doesn't matter. Well, it is alive. IBS is a tool of your subconscious. Your subconscious has as its main priority, social survival. This means that your subconscious will try to get you through your life without you feeling uncomfortable about what you are doing.
At one time in your past, something happened which you really wished had not happened. Your subconscious registered this and decided to keep you away from repeat or similar situations. Now when something is coming up where your subconscious thinks you will have the same reaction as you did in the past, it will do what it needs to do to stop you engaging in this upcoming event. It really is as simple as that but Depression often follows only half a step behind because things are out of your control.
The way I can help you with this is to help you find this originating event. You can see it for what it was and you can upgrade your understanding of it. You can see that it was important to you when it happened but that you are now different - older, wiser, etc. You can see that a repeat or similar experience will not create the same reaction in your life today. Your curse will lift and you will be free.
Contact me now, close the door on IBS and open the door to happiness and freedom.
Mark has been in full time practise since 2003 helping people from around this country and around the World:
North America; Central America; South America; South Africa; Australia; New Zealand; Hong Kong;
The Middle East; Europe and Scandinavia